Бойцы: добавлена sheeva доделан chameleon (как в трилогии) изменена палитра noob saibot победная стойка sindel сделана как в аркде shang tsung'у добавлена возможность превращаться в sheeva и human smoke shao kahn под управлением компьютера всегда бьется на зоне pit 3 motaro под управлением компьютера всегда бьется на зоне balcony shao kahn под управлением игрока не привязан к зонам motaro под управлением игрока не привязан к зонам изменена боевая стойка jade - как в аркадной версии добавлены тени у smoke mk2 теперь белый дым дым теперь не пропадает при апперкоте на арену выше дым появляется при появлении или изменении персонажа возвращены комбы smoke mk2
Демонстрация: В демонстрацию добавлены все бойцы включая боссов
Заставка sega: ----
Экран копирайтов: добавлен пропуск по нажатию кнопки start
Титульный экран: изменен фон титульного экрана
Главное меню: изменен фон главного меню добавлен вход в endurance mode нажатием a+c+start исправлено чтение вводимых кодов (при неправильном наборе можно начать набор заново) установлено соответствие каждому коду - своя секретная строка исправлено появление строк возвращены звуки возвращены комментарии шао кана
Меню options: исправлен глюк с наложением музыки при автоматическом выходе из меню опция sound переделана в опцию music добавлена опция "пауза" добавлена опция "частота"
Меню cheats: исправлен глюк с наложением музыки при выходе из меню изменены пункты меню sound test timer continues bio screen kombat zone
Меню secrets: исправлен глюк с наложением музыки при автоматическом выходе из меню отключен автоматический выход из меню для комфортного прослушивания звуков и музыки изменены пункты меню timer sound test intro bio screen win screen movelist
Меню killer codes: опции motaro/shao kahn enable/disable удалены добавлена опция bosses - включающая/отключающая human smoke, chameleon, motaro, shao kahn добавлена опция play pong опция play hidden game переименована в play galaga - чтобы не путаться исправлен глюк с наложением музыки при выходе из меню исправлен глюк с наложением музыки при автоматическом выходе из меню секретная опция - без изменений
Pong: Исправлен баг с произношением фраз шао каном заменены звуки отражения мяча на более тихие добавлено проигрывание фоновой музыки
Versus codes: возвращен код 769-342 добавлен код 016-016 победитель бьется с human smoke добавлен код ***-*** победитель получает сокровища шао кана в рандомный бой (444-444) добавлена sheeva, human smoke, rain, noob рандомный бой теперь не приостанавливается при апперкоте на арену выше
Bio screens: изменен фон возвращено произношение имени бойца при показе текста добавлен оригинальный текст для cyborg smoke cyborg smoke перекрашен в свой цвет (был красный) добавлен оригинальный текст для motaro добавлен оригинальный текст для shao kahn добавлен текст для classic sub zero добавлен текст для human smoke добавлен текст для chameleon
Win screens: возвращены финальные заставки возвращено произношение имени бойца при показе текста добавлен текст для motaro добавлен текст для shao kahn добавлен текст для chameleon
Endurance Mode 8*8: возвращен фоновый рисунок из mk3 возвращена анимация VS добавлены иконки новых бойцов, переделаны старые добавлен рандомный выбор ^+start спрайты player 3/4 убраны спрайты player 1/2 отцентрованы добавлена возможность играть против компьютера (с+start после выбора бойцов оппонентом) возвращено произношение имен появляющихся бойцов задействованы счетчики побед добавлен фикс, чтобы палитры не глючили при появлении следующего бойца добавлена возможность выбирать боссов, при условии, что они включены
Экран выбора режима (mk/2*2/8 ): убран баг смены приоритета со второго игрока на первого (>+start) настроено управление выбора режима игроками убран баг рамки при быстром нажатии start
Экран выбора персонажей: убран баг со входом в экран выбра бойцов изменен принцип построения картинки добавлена строка kombat zone: ... возвращено отображение чемпиона/количества побед добавлен задний фон как в мк3 расположение иконок - как в аркадной версии игры в зависимости от опции bosses в killer codes можно выбирать скрытых 4 бойцов
Экран выбора столбца с протвниками / столбцы: добавлен пятый столбец (7 бойцов, 3 эндуренса (2/3/4), 2 босса) противники в первых 4 столбцах взяты из аркадной версии (6 вариантов) пятый столбец рандомно укомплектован бойцами включая rain, noob, human smoke добавлены маленькие иконки sheeva, rain, human smoke, noob, chameleon добавлены большие иконки sheeva, rain, human smoke, noob, chameleon удален баг дающий возможность проскакивать всех противников кроме первого
Экран "shao kahn is no more": добавлена проверка на случай если игрок играет шао каном - изменены надписи
Сокровища Shao Kahn'a: добавлены 4 новых сокровища
Арены: добавлена арена the street добавлена арена the balcony добавлена арена the bridge добавлена арена bell tower добавлена арена graveyard добавлена арена noob's dorfen добавлена арена hidden portal на арену kombat temple возвращены свечи изменена арена the lost world (переделана в 3 слоя как в аркаде) добавлен выброс при апперкоте с зоны the subway на зону the street добавлен выброс при апперкоте с зоны soul chamber на зону balcony убран бесконечный цикл арен при апперкоте на зоне soul chamber изменена арена kahns kave (переделан пол, убиты дублирующие слои) на арене kombat temple, "toasty" теперь поверх свечей убраны тени на некоторых зонах
Музыка/озвучка: добавлено около 100 недостающих звуков музыка на старых аренах настроена как в аркадной версии на экране выбора бойцов при выборе произносится имя бойца при победе произносится имя+wins при mercy имя+shows mercy произношение имен вновь прибывших бойцов в эндуренсах исправлены глюки при выстрелах в синдел, джейд и т.д. добавлены недостающие звуки основной озвучки бойцов (более 60 добавлено)
Другое: убита региональная проверка добавлена пауза (включается в опциях) добавлен ускоренный режим игры для pal приставок добавлены русские шрифты (пиривотчег нада, ага)
Дата: Воскресенье, 10.11.2013, 04:19 | Сообщение # 181
Сообщений: 25 Статус: Offline
Guys, one particular infinite needs to be fixed, its the crouching LP infinite in the corner, unlike the arcade version of UMK3 where after the third crouching LP you are pushed back, on the Genesis version of MK3 & UMK3 you are not pushed back and can do this forever, also I think Human Smoke was missing his other popup dial-a-combo, HK or LK, D+LP, D+HP, Mileena's nail split fatality will crashed the game when performed on the Kombat Temple & The Lost World stages stage, other than some minor glitches and such, everything is peachy
Thanks r57shell, so are all the finishing moves are going to appear like they did in the arcade version of UMK3 and MKT for Rain & Noob Saibot, just curious?
Добавлено (13.11.2013, 13:51) --------------------------------------------- Also will the missing kombat kodes be added as well?
Thanks r57shell, so are all the finishing moves are going to appear like they did in the arcade version of UMK3 and MKT for Rain & Noob Saibot, just curious?
They will, but not sure in next version. ATM we have only Noob Saibot fatalities, but as they looks in MKT. And, animalities but they needs remastering.
ЦитатаMKPrince ()
Also will the missing kombat kodes be added as well?
I think, we can make it but now there is other plans...
MKPrince, post all differences that you know about. Just, because we don't know everything.
Most cool updates: optimization fixes!!! Now you can do Nightwolf two axe combo with air kick! In any area! It is realy awesome. Мальчик, девочка... какая в жопу разница..
Дата: Четверг, 14.11.2013, 14:03 | Сообщение # 186
Сообщений: 632 Статус: Offline
Let's start with differences only in fight(combos, finishing moves, specials) and vs codes. Reports about bugs in same areas in our hack would be nice too. Мальчик, девочка... какая в жопу разница..
Дата: Четверг, 14.11.2013, 14:18 | Сообщение # 189
Сообщений: 632 Статус: Offline
There is a lot of specials, combos finishing moves, It is realy difficult to check all of them... And, there is many values to check: distance (finishing moves), input sequence, damage (specials/combos), stamina steal... Timeouts to suppress infinite. Мальчик, девочка... какая в жопу разница..
Дата: Четверг, 14.11.2013, 15:52 | Сообщение # 190
Сообщений: 25 Статус: Offline
I sure that all the combos are now correct, as far as finishing moves go, the only finishing moves that was edited in the Genesis version of UMK3 that difference from the arcade are Kitana's Kiss Of Death(in the arcade version the victim is stretched three times before exploding, while in the genesis only the head is inflated and the victim floats up and explode) and Scorpion's Pack Attack(the arcade version Scorpion takes his victim back to his lair where he or she is beaten to death by other Scorpion clones, the genesis version your taken back to the lair, set on fire and explode), also it looks like Mileena's Nail Split Fatality is missing some animation frames, the nails don't stick to the victim, instead they act like bullets and go thru them and she isn't shown putting back on her mask afterwards, just go into her win pose, also some characters are missing body parts during there finishing moves(like MK3 Sub-Zero ice break fatality & Cyrax's Helicopter Slicing fatality)
Also there were some kombat codes that not only didn't carry over from the arcade version of UMK3, but from the genesis version of MK3 as well:
Arcade UMK3 999-999 - Show what revision you have, example UMK3 version 0.6 300-300 - Silent Kombat, music is turned off
Kombat Zone: Once entered correctly you are warped to that zone with the text showing at the bottom: Kombat Zone:_____________ 091-190 - Bell Tower 077-022 - The Bridge 933-933 - Scislac Busirez (Ermac's Portal aka The Lost World) 666-333 - Graveyard 330-033 - Jade's Desert 004-700 - Kahn's Kave 880-220 - Kahn's Tower 600-040 - Kombat Temple 050-050 - Noob's Dorfen 820-028 - Pit III 002-003 - River Kombat 343-343 - The Roof 666-444 - Scorpion's Lair 123-901 - Soul Chamber 079-035 - Street 880-088 - Subway
Now I don't believe there isn't a Kombat Zone code for The Bank or The Hidden Portal from MK3 so one would have to be made for them if you will add the kombat zone codes.
Text: (displays a little message) 717-313 - Rain can be found at the graveyard Missing Genesis Kombat Codes From MK3
006-040 - Tournament Mode(Score To Settle) now it's make perfect sense for this code to be added back since you guys brought back Endurance Mode
667-438 or 667-000 - Timer Disabled
Text Messages: 987-666 - Hold flippers during casino run 929-646 - Bad Luck
Now I just found today a glitch the kombat code No Patience(494-494) in both the hack & original Genesis version of UMK3, this code makes the timer go VERY FAST, after using this code the clock will continue to run fast until you hard reset the game
Well that all that I know is missing from the game, hope you guys decide to add them :)
Oh forgot about Ermac's fireball, it hits low in the Genesis version UMK3, which makes it impossible to duck because it will still hit you even when ducking, it should hit high like in the arcade version of UMK3
Сообщение отредактировал MKPrince - Четверг, 14.11.2013, 16:01
Дата: Понедельник, 18.11.2013, 08:00 | Сообщение # 192
Сообщений: 25 Статус: Offline
Kitana Her throw move need remastering when performed on Sheeva & her animality need remastering and her Kiss Of Death Fatality was edited in this version, could the original fatality be done in the genesis version?
Reptile All good, just need his animality remastered like in UMK3 arcade
Sonya Just need her friendship from the arcade version of UMK3
Jax All good
Nightwolf Unlike in the arcade version of UMK3, his shield doesn't repel against Scorpion or Human or Robot Smoke harpoon move in the genesis version, thus making the move useless against them, needs to be corrected.
Jade Not a big deal, but Jade is missing just two little animation parts of her win pose, one when she steps into the pose and the other when her staff turns from pupple to gray, and during her friendship, her staff is missing sound when she bounces on it, other that she is fine.
Scorpion Just missing one final animation sprite in his toasty Fatality and his second fatality(Scorpion Pack) was edited in the Genesis version, if possible could the original fatality be done in the genesis version?
Rain His lightning strike move is very broken in this game, because you can infinite off of this move alone, was much slower in the Snes version of UMK3 and MKT, could his lightning move be slowed down?
Kano All good
Mileena Other than what I reported earlier she is good
Ermac Just need his fireball corrected, it's hits low, making it impossible to duck it and the missing scream sound from the victim during his second fatality & his friendship from MKT
Classic Sub-Zero Just need to show text "Sub-Zero Wins Fatality" after the blackout Fatality is performed just like the arcade,
other than his other missing finishing moves and a possible changed to input code for his friendship and he is good to go
Sub-Zero Just missing the body parts from this second fatality
Noob-Saibot Just need his Teleport Fatality touch up a bit and his friendship from MKT
Human Smoke I think you already took care of what he is missing
Sektor Just needs his animality remastered, seems unfinished
Sindel If you can make come from under the ground after her animality is performed like in the arcade version of UMK3 and MKT
and her missing sound "That was fun" after she kicks the ball during her friendship she is all good
Stryker If possible just needs his friendship from the arcade version of UMK3
Cyrax Just missing body parts from the victim exploding during his self destruct fatality and body parts from the victim during he heli-chopper fatality
Kung Lao Missing his correct hat fatality animation
Chameleon All good
Kabal All good
Sheeva Just needs her animality remastered
Shang Tsung Missing the soul animation part in fatality 2
Liu Kang All good
Robot Smoke All good
And the only other thing is that if you can make the losing character changed directions during the time of Finish Him or Her so you can perform a finishing move from either side of the victim and also adding back the warning sound to the clock when time is running out
Сообщение отредактировал MKPrince - Вторник, 19.11.2013, 16:38
Дата: Понедельник, 18.11.2013, 15:16 | Сообщение # 194
Сообщений: 632 Статус: Offline
ЦитатаNemesis_c ()
Kitana's kiss - i think we can made this (we can do new stretched sprites, but we cant do this programmatically )
Nemesis_c mean we can't stretch sprites programmatically. But I mean we can make fatality if we have stretched sprites
ЦитатаNemesis_c ()
we cant do more body parts..
you are wrong.
ЦитатаMKPrince ()
Sheeva Just needs her animality remastered
ЦитатаNemesis_c ()
why? whats wrong?
You don't know because it's already fixed :)
ЦитатаNemesis_c ()
i dont know... i need to ask r57shell
you know nothing :D
I don't want to commentate all things, and recomend to do you so. Many of them is already known bugs, like sindel win stance after Animality and Kung Lao missing fatality animation. Just, want to say, that if something will be fixed, then it will be in changelog or in "new changes".
Thanks for report. And... by the way, there is some fixed things that you have not mentioned as bugs :)
Hmm... MKPrince, do you know something about Mercy and Animality done by computer? Is it happens? May be computer can make animality after player Mercy or something else?
ЦитатаMKPrince ()
And the only other thing is that if you can make the losing character changed directions during the time of Finish Him or Her so you can perform a finishing move from either side of the victim
O_o As far as I know, there is only one finishing move that you can't perform from other side, and it is PIT. Anything else SHOULD work ATM. If not so, then IT IS BUG, NEEDS REPORT. Мальчик, девочка... какая в жопу разница..
Дата: Вторник, 19.11.2013, 16:59 | Сообщение # 196
Сообщений: 25 Статус: Offline
Nemesis I edited my post showing Jade's win pose animation & Scorpion's missing sprite for his toasty fatality, and this is the soul sprite missing from Shang Tsung's second fatality , after the green goo consumes the victim, the soul floats up while the victim body falls to the ground in a puddle, and when referring to Sheeva's animality I was talking about the version of the game that I have, after I seen in your lastest videos on Youtube I see now that's it's been fixed and No r57shell I have yet to see the computer performed an animality in one player mode, maybe in demo mode, but it's rare, the only other glitch I could think of besides Kitana fan toss glitch(when the opponent is hit by this move, along with there scream comes the sound of there main projectile move, but you may already have fixed it too) is fighting the computer in Endurance Mode, I know to have to be quick with holding the buttons to make computer player 2, I know that if your not quick the game will go into 1 player mode with hearing the phrase "toasty" for every match. I'm glad to hear about adding everyone stretched sprites for Kitana's Kiss Of Death fatality, I understand you can't program it like the arcade, but I hope you get it is close as possible, hope you can do the same with Scorpion's Pack Fatality, also will Scorpion & Human Smoke will be getting there "Get Over Here" phrase?
Сообщение отредактировал MKPrince - Вторник, 19.11.2013, 17:15
Just tested MKT on PSX (PlayStation One) and just curious. WHY there is bugs with distances in new fatalities. Tested: http://redump.org/disc/759/, and http://redump.org/disc/469/ dumps (it is hashes only, I have downloaded from other sites) So it is NTSC-U version 1.0 and 1.1 (latest as I know). In both versions Smoke MK2 animality works in same distance as Kitana animality. (little step from "close") >>><Z. Same bug with Noob Saibot animality, its distance "close", and therefore bugs with animation. <><>Z. Same bug in v 1.0 with Classic Sub-Zero fatality, its distance "close", and enemy just stick in air.v>>>X hmm but in v 1.1 enemy "lands" right in place. wait, in v 1.0 it is bug in corner. close distance it's OK. EDIT: Scorpion's vv^Z distance is MAD too. (in v 1.1) (far away)
So, I think, we will make distances that we like, because distances in MKT (PS1) for new finishing moves just MAD. Мальчик, девочка... какая в жопу разница..
Дата: Пятница, 29.11.2013, 03:15 | Сообщение # 199
Сообщений: 632 Статус: Offline
Interesting interpretation :) It is just A: n times B: m times C: d times I think it's some kind of date. I don't know. Мальчик, девочка... какая в жопу разница..
Дата: Пятница, 29.11.2013, 04:44 | Сообщение # 202
Сообщений: 25 Статус: Offline
A, B, A, C, A, B, B is the blood enable code for Mortal Kombat 1 for Sega Genesis, what is this?
I just performed it, it this code in the original Genesis version of UMK3 or did you guys add it r57shell?
Добавлено (29.11.2013, 04:37) --------------------------------------------- funny, now I can't get it to work anymore
Добавлено (29.11.2013, 04:39) --------------------------------------------- How did you find it Lindoloro?
Добавлено (29.11.2013, 04:44) --------------------------------------------- Now I understand, if you messed up, you have to exit Killer Kodes and go back and put the code in again, and its in the original Genesis version of UMK3 too, how did you find it Lndoloro?
Сообщение отредактировал MKPrince - Пятница, 29.11.2013, 04:27
Дата: Пятница, 29.11.2013, 12:35 | Сообщение # 205
Сообщений: 1148 Статус: Offline
Цитатаlindoloro ()
what is a function of this cheat? (A B A C A B B A B A C A B B A B A C A B B A B A C A) in killer codes names and music only?¿
для вызова имен достаточно нажать 13 раз A и 4 раза C. кнопка B не требуется. Об этом писал еще GManiac давным-давно.
Для MK3 и UMK3 есть ещё секрет в Killer Codes, но он обеспечивается не комбинацией, а счётчиком: при нажатии A он увеличивается на 100, B - на 10, C - на 1. Когда он равен 1304, код срабатывает. Числа в десятичной системе. Когда заходим в Killer Codes, счётчик обнуляется.
Дата: Пятница, 29.11.2013, 12:39 | Сообщение # 206
Сообщений: 1148 Статус: Offline
Mortal Kombat 3
Записаны номера битов кнопок. Известный код ABBADABBADUU, набирать при логотипе MK3, когда звучит гонг. Адрес $4E946. Известные коды ACUBUBAD, BADLADCRUD, CRALAUCRALAU, набирать на титульном экране. Адрес $4F2B8.
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3
Записаны номера битов кнопок. Известные коды ACUBUBAD, BADLADCRUD, CRALAUCRALAU, набирать на титульном экране. Адрес $5D738. Известный код ADALARCUL, набирать на титульном экране. Адрес $5D865.
Дата: Суббота, 30.11.2013, 11:13 | Сообщение # 207
Сообщений: 10 Статус: Offline
Добавлено (30.11.2013, 11:13) --------------------------------------------- in a 4th fight vs sub zero in first column maybe others. don't appear "fighter name wins" - "Finish him" and no time for fatalities jaja my English is really bad
Дата: Суббота, 30.11.2013, 21:16 | Сообщение # 209
Сообщений: 632 Статус: Offline
ЦитатаMKPrince ()
Input on Start Game/Options screen. It is original cheat for all rows, but somehow they forgot to remove other 3 cheats from mk3 so they works too. Or... may be this cheat purpose was to open all 3 rows but they didn't done cheats input row by row as we do. I think so.
ЦитатаMKPrince ()
Mileena is missing her 22% Sai Combo from her movelist, the combo is X,X,^+A,v+A
Hmm... Interesting. Strange that it's missing in our movelist but there it is. Мальчик, девочка... какая в жопу разница..
Дата: Понедельник, 02.12.2013, 10:42 | Сообщение # 210
Сообщений: 25 Статус: Offline
I was just thinking about Cyber-Sub-Zero, I saw the video on Youtube of Nemesis playing as him I notice that he picked Classic Sub-Zero(Masked) to play as him, now I understand that he is a extra character and you guys are doing all the work, but from a story standpoint I think it would make more sense to have Sub-Zero(Unmasked) be the one you picked to play as him since that's the Sub-Zero the Lin Kuei wants to capture and turn into a cyborg for breaking their sacred code of honor.
Only a suggestion, not a demand
Добавлено (02.12.2013, 10:42) --------------------------------------------- Guys, are you thinking about once the game is fully finished to open a site on here or a place like hacking-cult.org dedicated to the game and explaining all of changes and other stuff like the addition of Cyber Sub-Zero & Chameleon, the return of Sheeva, etc?
Сообщение отредактировал MKPrince - Понедельник, 02.12.2013, 10:45